版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
With this app you can do any calculations for performance planning easily. Instead of complex graphics with a single app you will able to do every calculations. V speeds, cruise values, landing distance, weight and balance, glide range and many more. All you need is King Air app. Just say your need and our app will get results. With this app you can do
-Weight and Balance
-Pressure Altitude
-V Speeds and TOFL
-Max Torque
-Maximum Takeoff Weight
-Stall Speed
-Climb Calculations
-Cruise Calcualtions
-Single Engine Service Ceiling
-Holding Fuel
-Cabin Altitude
-Oxygen Duration
-Glide Range
-Descend Calculations
-Pressurization Controller Setting
-Balked Landing
-Maximum Landing Weight
-Landing Distance
All calculations are only an aid for your performance planning. Never use them for navigational purposes. All formulations have 95% accuracy. Have a safe flight.